Thursday, 6 January 2011

The growing interest for QR-Codes, are the best thing to happen for the Dot Tel domain: Shouldn 't there be more activety in that field?

The growing interest fot QR-Codes, are the best thing to happen for the Dot Tel domain: Shouldn 't there be more activety in that field? And why hadnt .Tel been firstly braught to Japan, instead of China? Shows that the registry is not acting very smart. Just running after the money, because the money is in Chaina? Oh, my Good.
.Tel must follow the workig poor, and go from there.
Why haven't we heard not only one word about QR-Codes, from Telnic? Telnic, you have completele misst the most important point for making huge profits in the near future. That money is simply not going into your pockets, as you have done nothing to earn it.

Isnt it time for an early morning walk, to get some fresh oxygen in that brain?

And clean out your muffled and dusty offices. It is time for change and reformation. Think. Think successfully.

Where are all your working hours going into? In to Chalandon related business? Be frank and straightforeward. How many hours did you work for .Tel, last year? 10, 20, 30? come on, we are not that stupid, as you may think we are.

To support .Tel, you would have to input 200% of work, and everyone can see, that that is not your choice. The fast dollar may be more "your thing".

So, why, and what are you working for .Tel and Telnic, anyway? How much input, and how much output, are giving and getting? Can you tell us some facts?

Who is doing the works at Telnic? Where are the brains?

Where is the whole in the money bucket? And why is markketing for .Tel going so wrong again?

You tell me, and us, because we cannot read your minds. We would wish to,as you seem to be tght lipped about so many thing at your company.

Does lack of interest for .Tel, make blind for seeing fantastic opportunities for making profits?

What qualifies you, for beeing the main director at Telnic?

Chalandon is an advisor, who collects jobs within boards of directors in many companies. Doing as little work as possible, but asking for the maximum compensation by payment.


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