Monday, 31 January 2011

My thoughts and advice: Mind mapping, acconting, and more.

Getting stuff done:

Start every important task with a pen and a big sheet of paper, and a pot of tea, and draw a mind map. Or just list the info, concept, etc.

Thinking about our biggest existing problem: The monetary system, respectively, the money system:

As long as you can provide money for goods and services, you are in a strong position. But this requires a good accounting routine. Conclusion: Get really good at accounting, and keep good accounting books and balance sheets for your private expenses, and your small business(es).

Learning better accounting brings freedom, time saving, and lost but not least, money saving, and a constant cash flow. Respectively, available money, that you are able to spend for goods and services.

Do this also, on paper, first. If you have an overview about your financial input and output, than you are on the right track.

Get good at mind mapping.

About work pauses / breaks:

They are so important, and help you to be more productive and efficient. Make one, every 30 or 60 minutes. But do nothing, that destracts. Better simply do nothing, in a pause. Or else it is not a proper pause. Doing nothing, is the best way, to recover within a pause. The more you do, during a pause, the less you can recover during the pause.

No Radio, no TV, no music. Just listen to your self. Feel your body.


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