Monday, 13 December 2010

About QR codes and tags for for mobile phones

Summary of a report, which can be purchased (see link / source, below):

Executive Summary: QR code for mobile phones
QR Code = Quick response code

Fundamentals and overview
QR code vs conventional bar code
QR code information capacity
Different types of 2D bar codes
QR code: main characteristics
QR code standardization
QR code error correction
QR code information capacity
QR code for DoCoMo i-mode phones: maximum capacity

QR codes - the solution to one of the biggest problems for mobile commerce

QR code as a solution
QR codes vs RFID

Penetration statistics:

Which percentage of consumers knows about QR codes (2004 - 2008)
Which percentage of consumers uses QR codes (2004 - 2009)
How often per week are qr codes typically used
How are QR codes used?

QR code as an input/output medium for mobile phones
QR code functionality and mark-up for mobile phone data input

QR code funcationality and mark-up for i-mode/DoCoMo
Types of QR code input
Telephone/address book entry
URL bookmark

QR codes as the easiest way to access information

Example: DoCoMo brochure on wallet phones

QR code for m-commerce and to sell content

QR codes to sell content
Selling content using QR code

QR code for customer relationship management (CRM)
QR code advertising

QR codes in advertising
QR codes at Tokyos busiest spots
Large scale QR codes on buildings
QR codes for property developers
QR codes for street campaigns
QR codes in convenience stores

QR codes for maps, navigation and location dependent services

QR codes for maps and navigation
QR codes for maps, navigation and location dependent services
QR codes for location dependent services on maps in the Tokyo Subway
Roadmaps with QR codes

QR codes in retail sales

QR codes for food retail

QR codes for TV program guides
QR codes to pay bills

QR code to pay bills at convenience stores

QR codes on business cards
Cmode and QR codes

The Cmode payment system
Register for club cmode membership
Pay cash into cmode prepay account
Purchasing goods and services with cmode
Cmode point pass
Analysis of cmode user interactions comparative mobile shopping barcode i-appli: comparative mobile shopping barcode i-appli: comparing the prices of a book

Color codes
Overview of Japans mobile industry and mcommerce
Mobile internet: i-mode, EZweb, and Vodafone-Live! and GPS/Location based services

Mobile phone handset markets

Camera phones as an essential tool for QR code usage



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