Monday, 15 August 2011

The Trieste of Magris

Where? Centre de Culture Contemporania de Barcelona

Text from CCCB web-site:

Picking up the thread of the “Cities and their Writers” series that the CCCB began a few years ago, this exhibition is an invitation to discover the city of Trieste, guided by the Trieste-born writer Claudio Magris and his books.

Trieste is a border city, a mix of languages and cultures: Italian, Germanic and Slavic. Its unique geopolitical location has marked its character throughout its history, up until the present day.

This Italian city is known and renowned for having been the birthplace or home of some of the foremost writers and intellectuals of recent centuries: Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, Rainer Maria Rilke, Scipio Slataper, James Joyce…

In this exhibition, Claudio Magris is the leading thread and point of connection with his city. Magris’s extraordinary and complex texts often refer to Trieste, its personages, both anonymous and famous, to the history of the city and to the writer’s own memories. The exhibition curator, Italian theatre director Giorgio Pressburger, a good friend of Magris and, like him, Trieste-born, has stepped into Magris’s body of work to bring it to life. The result is the exhibition “THE TRIESTE OF MAGRIS”, now presented at the CCCB, designed by Paola Navone (Otto Studio, Milan).

Visitors need all five senses to find their way round the exhibition. They will feel the force of the bora, Trieste’s wind, feel the stones of the Karst Plateau and sense the Adriatic Sea, be surprised by the clamour of war and listen to Triestine songs. They can sit in the famous Caffè San Marco and enter the well-known Antiquaria bookshop, and follow the Danube, in the form of an evocation of its course through Central Europe, in a reading of excerpts from Magris’s famous book of the same name.

The show includes a whole range of materials, from audiovisual installations, original objects and paintings to readings of literary passages and even a film, Dietro il buio (Behind the Darkness), specially produced on the basis of Magris’s text, Lei dunque capirà.


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