Monday, 22 August 2011

The Euro is a troubled currency, but good for short term speculating

The monetary system is a system, where everybody is participating in. Which means that economy can be steered and shaped by individuals. By the behaviour of anybody. By you and me.

Let us assume, that the EU and the Euro are quasi already dead...:
One should look for alternative currencies for business, than the Euro.

Let us assume, that I bought 100'000 Euros for 100'000 Swiss Francs, on the 11. of August 2011:
And that I will sell the Euros again, for Swiss Francs, when the Euro will be one and a half Swiss Francs again: That would be a profit of 50'000 Swiss Francs, for a few mouse clicks.

But someone predicted, that the Euros is already dead...:
Quote nr. 12 from
(reader comments):
„Sehen wir doch der Realität ins Auge. Sowohl die EU als auch der Euro sind tot.
Sie bewirken genau das Gegenteil dessen, wofür gewisse Kreise sie wollten und es immer noch gepredigt wird.
Sie zeigen eindrucksvoll wie weltfremd die Idee eines vereinten Europa ist.
Die EUdSSR, welche schon immer eine Transferunion ist, blutet Deutschland bis zum allerletzten aus. Fast 10% unseres BIP´s werden dort jährlich versenkt. Für nichts.
Wirtschaftliche Vorteile für Deutschland sind und waren trotz aller Beteuerungen nie existent. Wir waren schon mit der DM Exportweltmeister und die Auftragsbücher waren voll.
Wir befinden uns gerade in einer der größten Umverteilungen der Geschichte oder hat es sowas schon einmal gegeben? Ein Volk arbeitet und dieses Geld wird in den Tiefen anderer Pleiteländer versenkt. Aber zum Glück muss ich kein Geld mehr wechseln und an den Grenzen können Kriminelle ohne jede Kontrolle oder wenigstens Androhung verkehren.
Wenn wir nicht aufwachen, gehen die Lichter aus. „

...Er..., by the way: who payed the 50'000 Francs?: The German tax payers, if you will..., because Germany is bailing out Grece and other EU countries in debt.
Stop working, if others are working for you. Figure out, how you can get that money worth of work. If tax payers must pay to bail out whatever, that money is likely available for a cheap price.
Buy, when things are really cheap, and sell them later, when they are really expensive (market price).

In a nut shell: anybody who makes a profit, is causing someone else to make a loss, which could also be the opportunity to resell an item for a much better price, later. And in that case, we could speak of an "unrealized profit".
But if the loss in money is equal to opportunity costs, than one can not really speak of a loss, as it is the same value, respecively, value for money. In terms of cash, it would still be shift from one holder to another holder, exchanging money for other values, which the other person regards of more worth than the money he spends / pays.

Why must our (whatever-) system be based on growth and profits?: It must not.
Economy would probably work better, without growth. You would have to pay less for goods and services, and work less, and have more time to enjoy your life.

If nobody needs to make a profit, you will pay a fair price for goods and services. Moreover, the services will be better. And everybody is more relaxed.
In other words: if I earn 3000$ a month, I don't have to spend more than I earn, and can buy everything I need, for a comfortable living. No need to make debts.

Our current system, is a system of working slaves and un-free people.

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