Sunday 13 February 2011

Web shops are better than brick and mortar shops

Internet has now reached a level, that allows anyone to earn a modest income within online selling and offering online services.

Webshops are gaining momentum, if you will. Well, at least I find them highly interesting, and like them more and more. I like especially tea and cigar shops, and can nearly smell the delicate frangances.

I remember, having my first OsCommerce web shop: I was able to set up the shop, without any programing skills. The shop was totally free. And I appreciated the open source spirit of the OsCommerce community.

Today, I raise the question: How should one think about „OsCommerce web shops versus Auctiva Commerce web shops? I think you should work with both of them. Simply to save costs, and then again, the OsCommerce shops „grow on you“. Because they are somewhat humble, but provide you, with eveything you need, to make a neat shop, and to run a mooth shop business.

Auctiva costs, but it offers better graphic options, and image management and navigation.

One can critizise anything, and bring up some arguements, and then say, that this and that sucks.
But by comparing, what different people can achieve, you might also agree, that the results and the success, depends on your skills, your patience, the amount of work you put into the project, and your love and live blood for the project. Of course, Dot Mobi, and Dot Tel suck, some times, but they can work fantastic for you, and they are very likable, and here to stay. Same thing, with the web shops.

Yo u might know from googling experience, that web shops, are not the first sites to shop up within search results.

The Dot Tel domain, is a perfect landing page, for hard to find web sites. That means, they can be found, at last. Fast.

Whatever SEO problem you might have: QR-Codes and Dot Tel domains, are the solution.
And I think that web shops, are far more fun and interesting than the „brick and mortar shops“ in „the real world“. Besides that, you can no longer really say, that Internet is not the real world. Because shops and customer care, only work with real people and real products and services.

Of course, it makes it easier, when you have one foot in the real world.
But a lot to things are shifting towards online, and mobile. So, stay right there, and improve your results.

I love it all:
Web shops, web TV, web radio, on so on.

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