Friday, 14 January 2011

The position of domain name registries within the monetary system

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Players within the monetary system, are providers of goods and services.

A domain name registry is a service provider. It is a gamer within the game about money.

Some gamers, within the game of money, may be corrupt, fraudulent, or fair and correct.
Even,if the main attempt is to be fair and correct, there may be a basic instinct and attitude, to cheat the consumer, respectively, to mystify him, by offering 99 cent prices.

What about domain name registries, that are not showing much effort, in order for its registrants to work efficient, and to generate tidy profits, within reasonable time?:
Well, firstly, they are only interested in their selfs, and how to make their own high profits.

In other words: The registries are leaving their registrants in the rain, until they have figured out, how to proceed in their strategies for maximizing their profits.

If there is not much happening, on the scene, then the registries are undecided. And the registrant are seeming to be loosing (wasting) their time and money.

The registrants, going their own way, not depending too much on the registry, and making their own smart business concepts, will be better off, then the "waiting crowd".

Both, the registry, as well as the registrant are service providers, within the monetary system, and want to earn as much money, as possible, with their existing and projected structures (office, computer work station, concepts, offered services, etc.).

The single registrant, is always much more flexible, than the registry. The registrant can act faster than the registry. Which means, that it it is basically able to earn money quicker.

My overall message, is therefor, that registrants should basically move first, for the registry to follow up.

This is a way, how to fight the battle, and to win some good positions in Internet.

You, as registrant, and owner of web space, are able to provide information via QR-Codes, for the mobile phone user.

You are already a service provider, offering highly demanded services. Services, that are scarce, and high in demand.

And you don't have a lot of competitors.

So, what are you waiting for? For the registry to come out of the woodwork?


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