Friday, 25 December 2009

Bemerkungen zur Dot Tel Domain

Warum sehen TEL-Seiten anders aus als andere Webseiten? Verwechseln Sie Tel nicht mit anderen Domains! Andere Top-Level-Domains führen zu einer Webseite, während TEL-Domains hingegen zu einer Identität führen.
Nicht zu vergleichen sind TEL-Domains mit teuren 0700-Rufnummern oder so genannten Vanity-Nummern u.a.! Stattdessen bieten TEL's eine neue Infrastruktur, die eine Schnittstelle zwischen Telefon und Internet realisiert. Eine äußert wichtige Eigenschaft von Tel ist, dass sich diese in Ihrem Besitz und unter Ihrer Kontrolle befindet. Geben Sie Ihre privaten Daten nicht anderen (Facebook u.a.), sondern bestimmen selbst, was damit geschieht. Alle Tel-Daten werden im Domain Name System abgelegt. Somit wird kein Webbrowser für den Aufruf benötigt. Dies bildet die Grundlage für die Entwicklung zukünftiger Technologien und lässt eine vielfältige Verwendung zu.
TEL-Domains haben den Preis für Best Domain Name TV Commercial gewonnen und wurden außerdem für den World Technology Award nominiert. Bei stetig ansteigender Verbreitung werden zukünftig weitere Preise folgen. Am 29.10.09 hat diese neue Technik den renommierten Technologiepreis Models of Excellence 2009 gewonnen. Am 12.11.09 wurde dieser Innovation darüber hinaus auch der United Kingdom IT Industry Award 2009 verliehen.
Diese Kommunikationsart wurde gerade erst realisiert; es stehen besonders zukünftig weitere Entwicklungen an. Genau wie bei herkömmlichen Domains entstehen im Laufe der Jahre immer weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten. Es gibt kaum ein anderes Produkt, welches so viele andere Funktionalitäten übernehmen und kombinieren kann. So können TEL-Domains Gelbe Seiten, Kontaktverwaltung, SEO, soziales Netzwerk, Open-IDs u. v. a. ersetzen. Die Bereitstellung dieses Services verfolgt die gleichen Umsetzungsziele, die schon von Google realisiert wurden.In einem großen Marktumfeld soll durch Vereinfachung sowie Benutzerfreundlichkeit ein hoher Nutzen entstehen.
Das außergewöhnliche Potenzial dieser Thematik ist heute in diesem frühen Stadium noch nicht zu überblicken. Da Tel als zentraler Kontaktpunkt / Netzknoten dient, wird dies für Cloud-Computing von großer Bedeutung sein. Nicht alle Beobachter und Experten werden sofort alle Vorteile dieser Entwicklung anfangs vollständig begreifen. Selbst Bill Gates wertete 1993 Internet als unwichtig ab; bevor es kurz darauf zu einer Milliardenindustrie wurde.


Friday, 11 December 2009

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Saturday, 26 September 2009

New dashboard features for controlling your .tel domain

New function for the folder part of the .tel dashboard:

Changing names of subdomains:

About foders:

Folders functionality expands the navigation capability of your .tel domain.

If you have a lot of contact points, you probably want to spread them on several pages. This will provide a better visibility of your contact details in mobile devices with small displays. In this case, you should use the Folders option to logically group the contact information – like business details, favorite links, social media sites, professional information and more.
Technically, a folder is a sub-domain of your .tel domain. You can set a direct link to it.
Entering your folder name:
Enter the folder name. You can enter only letters, digits and hyphens in the subfolder name. A subfolder must contain at least one letter and its minimum length is 3 characters. The links to the folder in a browser will have initial capital letters and any hyphens will be converted to spaces. For example "my-business" will be visualized as "My Business". Once you are ready click on the Save button.
The Dashboard will only show the first level of sub-folders. If you want to view a deeper folder level, click on the corresponding subfolder. The contact information under the subfolders can be managed in the same way as under the main fodler.

End of Excursion.

Telnic has included a few more functions for de folders part of the dashboard:
They are only minor changes, but they can simplyfie handling nevertheless.

One is now able to change the the names of the subdomains at one single area of the dashboard.

When you hover with the mouse over the list of subdomains, you get to see icons, such a a pencil and a waste bin, with which you are able to do the different tasks.

You have to be very careful, with the deleting function:
In order to delete a folder, hover the mouse over its name and click on the Delete link. By deleting a folder you will permanently remove all of its sub-folders, the contact details and the corresponding items.
Accidentically deleting can have some serious consequenses...
Therefore, it would be wise, to have backuped the .tel domain before (for example, by using the .tel tool tel-machine, and its backup function).

New function for the .tel dashboard:

Changing the title of your .tel domain:

Till now, the domain name on the TelProxy of a .tel domain was quasi „given“, and pre configured, and corresponded with the name of the domain.

Now you are able to customise that title/name, and have 255 characters provided.
Which allows you to make a extensive title for your TelProxy.

According to the complexity of your title, the font size will be automatically adapted.
For each 10 character words, there will oviously be a own CSS tag: One for maximum 10 characters, one for 20 characters, one for 30 characters, and so forth...
The longer the title, the more the font size shrinks,
Furthermore, there will be implemented a sub title, with the same name, as your domain name.

Because the title of a TelProxy is important for search engines, as well: with this possibility, you have another SEO option, respectively, more SEO potential.

New function for the .tel dashboard:

New contact types:

The list of contact types, has been extended, as well, here:
Telnic only mentioned, that there is a new type of „user“...:
With this option, one should be able to, for example, deposit his username for online services or games, and can add a short comment, as well.

I did notice, when I over saw eveything, that there is also a typ, so called „Info“: Either, I had over seen that, up and till now, or it had been added, as new, as well.

For me, this typ is so far of interest, because one can integrate further text in to a .tel domain, with this. This text (maximum 255 characters) can be displayed on the TelProxy, according to your preferences.
With this feature, you have another option: next to integrating keywords, to integrate text on the TelPoxy.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

What are .tel domain names?

The .tel top level domain allows you to create a virtual address book or a virtual business card, storing a variety of contact information online. Why is this so attractive?

.tel domains store your contact information directly in the DNS which can then be universally accessible. This stands in contrast to the typical use of the DNS for other domains, in which the DNS only provides a mapping between domain names and IP addresses. In other words, the .tel domain allows you to store all your contact information online (phone numbers, email contacts, social networks, GPS coordinates and more) without having a hosting account but rather through the innovative technology of using the DNS for storing information.

.tel domains are accessible from the web via any browser, and even through an iPhone, BlackBerry or any other mobile internet device.

Here is how .tel domains look online:

The backend management system is very easy to navigate and edit. All in all, one huge advantage of the .tel domain is that you can go online with the least possible effort – just put your contact information and it is online within a couple of minutes. Here is how the control panel looks like:

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Increase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - .Tel content is fully structured and published on the domain name server (DNS) rather than the World Wide Web. That makes it easily read and indexed by search engine crawlers, strengthening your presence in search results. This important SEO tool can help drive traffic to your Web site and may result in increased sales.