Sunday, 20 March 2011
How to act profitable within the monetary system
Actually, you should always be spending.
Profit means, that you get something, which you can resell for more money.
But let us say, you buy food for your self, and spend $50 on food: Those $50 should come back to you, in form of profits or earnings, if you are employed.
But can we apply this rule on every person?: It is impossible, that every person can make profits. You can only make more, if someone gets less. You can only be rich, if there are poor people. You can only win something, if someone loses.
The key of profitmaking, is the time factor: The faster you get rid of your money, by buying goods, and reselling them for a profit (any profit, is good), and the faster you buy new goods for reselling, the wealthier you are.
Or, in other words: The faster your money flows (input and output), the better for your wealth, and the better for economy.
Saving, is not very smart. But if you are not good in making profits, than you are safer by saving. Just: That money could be lost, if the bank collapses.
Basically, your money on your banc account, is not really yours, as long as it is there, on the bank, because the bank is working with it, and looks at it, as their own capital, until you claim it again, for getting cash, or for doing money transfers.
Money only works, as long as it circulates. To keep money flowing, you need cash.
Items may be hard to sell and to cash in, but they are true values.
Speed, and the time frame matters, within which you pass on your money.
The fact, that you have given away a coin or bank note, creates a virtual value, because you have given away something that you had before, and that stands for "work" or something else.
The "passing on" of a virtual value (money) creates the believe, that money stands for a value.
By circulating your money, you are keeping a belief alive, about the importance of money. And the believe in money, is nothing else, but another religion. Something like: "In money we trust". That is what they actually meant, when they wrote "In God we trust". The Federal bank, is quasi acting as a God. However, the Fed is not trustworthy. Most of the so called "money", is only hot air, and has no coverage. But everyone thinks, that money is covered. Only a small amount of the money is covered. The rest, is only for speculation.
If you choose to become rich, you have to make the poor a little bit poorer, and the existing rich, a little bit less rich.
The battle with existing rich, won't hurt them much.
If your competitors, are really hindering your success and profits, then it is clear, that you must become better than them. Or: you look for niche market, and start from there (less competitors).
Friday, 18 March 2011
Geneva sucks and hasn't got a very positive outlook
Fraudulent betting gaming on the lake side, by ex Jugoslaws, is not followed, but ignored by the police. So, when the Police should protect tourists and inhabitants, it doesn't.
Furthermore, the police follows innocent people, but the ones that brake the law, don't get bothered or followed.
It is a town where crooks and sluts live, and incompetent politiciens rule. It stinks to high heaven, of dirty or speculative business by money greedy people. Pseudo "pro forma" humanity organisations with employees and "haute fonctionaires" that shop online through eBay, during work.
Bluffing, everywhere you look. Plein "modern" facades of buildings made with precast concrete slabs, inside ugly and unfinished stair cases without any windows, and with poor lightning. Example: Boulevard St Georges 11. And which reminds me of the "Bronx". Building sites everywhere, for more of this type of "all concrete" buildings, with a noise level, much too loud for a living district / area.
This town sucks so much. It is getting worse and worse.
Call me, for fundamental reformation of the town. Vote me for change.
Everything that is useful, but too new, will take off, later
Looking at the Dot Tel Internet domain: At the very high speed, that texting and mobile Internet on smart phones are gaining momentum, the Dot Tel domain is bound to find a lot of users and friends.
All naysaying about new products, even if the arguments can be seconded by others, can not been seen as the absolut truth.
And here again: Only time will have the last word and final statement.
A investor basically sticks to his investment, and waits, till it either succeeds or fails.
So, is there a new man for Italy, on his way, and is it me?
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Google Analytics for Dot Tel domains: How it works:
CNN is promoting the usage of QR-Codes
What are the consequences?: They are massive. This will change smart phone usage completly.
Till now, you could update your Dot Tel domain from your control panel.
Let us assume, you have a QR-Code, that you encoded from Dot Tel domain "A" on Dot Tel domain "B": If you update domain "A", your domain "B" gets updated with the same info that stands for that code (domain "A").
You could have that QR-Code on twenty other Dot Tel domains, and all twenty domains can get updated by updating only the domain that stands for that code (that is encoded in that code).
When the code gets decoded, than the info can be read and viewed.
So, this is how to get the badly needed interactivety with Dot Tel domains, next to "click and call", "click and view website", or "click and email", etc.
Texting on smart phones is so popular: Interactivety is the secret
Fresh news on smart phone displays makes them look, read and respond.
It simply works. Nothing more to say, here.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Swiss bank BCGE goes and
Link for the Dot Tel domain:
Furthermore, a Swiss news article states the bank had high expenses for IT:
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Dot Tel Domains without restrictions? Angenommen, für Dot Tel Domains würden die Restriktionen wegfallen:
If the restrictions for .Tel Domains would be removed, then they would be the "better Dot Com's" for mobile telephone Internet usage.
Furthermore, if Dot Tel domains can offer something, that Dot Com domains can't offer on a mobile phone, than Dot Tel domains would be in more favorable position.
Extensions can`t change, but restrictions can be removed, anytime.
Hardly anybody would mind to pay the hosting for a Dot Tel domain, if they had the same freedom as with a Dot Com domain. At the end, they would have the better domain extension for mobile Internet on smart phones. As people would know, that a Dot Tel domain, is like any other domain, and that it offers the same navigation possibilities.
Users used to register a Dot Mobi, only because of its extension: Because they intended to use the domain for smart phones with Internet.
The .Tel registry is doing the same thing: Offering a domain for smart phones with Internet, but with restrictions.
However, the .Tel registry is providing a control panel, for populating the domain.
It was supposed to be a no-brainer, but the friending feature was too complecated, as well as few other things.
Why not deliver a mobile friendly template, without any restrictions? And leave the hosting to the registrars?
As soon as the only difference between domains, is the extension, Dot Tel will win over the other domain extensions, for smart phone usage.
The existing dot tel concept seems to be somewhat outdated. It might of worked well, eight or ten years ago, when it was created.
Dot Tel domains are lacking exitement. And users are used to Dot Com websites.
It is difficult to sell something that is less attractive.
The biggest advantage of the Dot Tel domain, is that it is "low cost" for the domain holder / owner. And users don't know, that using it, would be also "low cost" for them. And so, users other from the .Tel owners, don't care about the costs for Dot Tel domains. They just see a weird and boring page, with some contact information on it, and a penedrant and annoying Dot Tel logo. And say, that the design looks more like a domain parking page.
The easiest and more successful thing would be, to lift all restrictions, and tel(l) the world, that Dot Tel domains are for smart phone usage. Full stop.
And everyone would "get" that, and people would start registering .Tel's, and populating them by a webdesigner, or by themselfs.
Who would care, to have to pay hosting and a webdesigner, if they get a powerfull and efficient mobile website at the end, having a fantastic domain extension (.tel)?
The ten year old Dot Tel concept needs some rethinking and remodeling. Time for change. You can't expect a ten year old concept to be successful, ten years later.
If a Internet domain does not offer more than a landing page and a folder tree, and contact information, than it should be much less expensive... Somewhere around $03,00 (tree Dollars).
Provide a person with a Dot Com address, and he knows, what to do with it.
Provide a person with a Dot Tel address, and he does not know what to do with it.
If every new smart phone had a Dot Tel search engine as default, then everybody would know, what to do with Dot Tel domains.
If Dot Tel domains would be easyer to mobilize, and offer as much freedom as Dot Com domains, then that would be clearly an advantage for the Dot Tel domains.
Ok, I think I said enough, and now it is up to you, to "thinktank" and brainstorm.
The really biggest advantage of .Tel domains, is the fact, that one can set up a mobile friendly Internet domain within a few hours (ok, you say, within a few minutes..), and which is ideal for QR-Code usage (Quick Response Code usage). Because, if you want to sell something spontaniously, and fast, you can set up a mobile friendly .Tel domain, and encode it as a QR-Code (you generate a code from a website URL, for example), and print the code and display it, where smart phone owners can scann it (and click to decode it), and then interact with you and your offer.
Speed, is what matters, and you can act fast, with a .Tel domain, a QR-Code generator, and a QR-Code reader. This sort of interaction, one can only achieve with mobile websites. And Dot Tel is already "out of the box" mobile. No need for a webmaster and a webdesigner, there. And the "no need", would be a time saver and advantage, in connection with QR-Code usage. Again: Time saving matters.
The "Genève Budget" Slideshow
Ok: Your Dot Tel domain gets found in Internet, but some people usually don't look in Internet: Here is what to do:
You still don't generate any interaction with people, through your .Tel?
Ok, no problem: Heard about "QR-Codes"?: Well, that is the solution.
Generate and print a QR-Code of your website URL and of some of it's text content, and distribute your business cards, flyers, posters, sticker, tee-shirts, etc., so that smart smartphone users can scan your info. That is the most, and the most effective, you can do, to market and brand your site, product and business.
Visite my blog about Quick Response Codes, at:
Interactivety enables things to "take off". Offer interesting mobile content for smart phone Internet surfing (for those users, who have flatrate). Offer things for free: Rebate, free stuff / gifts, deductions, best prices, etc. Provide your contact information, as well, such as your email address and phone number. Make potential clients, your new clients. Reward them for interacting, and for being faithful clients.
Now, install a Quick Response Reader on your smart phone, and see how it works. Then chose one of the many existing free QR-Code generators, and start generating such QR-Codes. In other words: You encode your information, so that someone else can decode it on their smart phone, and read your info and message(es), that invite them to contact you: And you already have the interactivety, that is good for your business.
Good success. Try and error, and learn. It is fun.
Off topic: Home made Espresso Coffee: I don't drink much, but couldn't live without
But tea can't beat espresso coffee, in the way that thoroughly brings your body to a warm temperature, and makes you feel good, cozy, and more at home. Giving you the warmth from inside, that you where lacking before.
Tea, seems to go more to your head, and fils it with warmth, and lifts your spirits.
I always think of coffee being a drink for women, a feminin drink for everyone, who is very homely / domestic. It seems that coffee earthens and grounds you back to the floor and earth, and brings you back in a stable balance, connecting you back to earth, and to your home, and perhaps family and wife.
And so, if men drink espresso coffee, I guess, it is good for the feminin side of the man. What would the man be, without his feminity? And if we are here: It is sure the masculine side of a woman, that also attracts a man. Maybe things get mixed up, with food and beverage, that masuline sides swap for feminine sides, and vis versa.
I am not sure, what really happens, when drinking espresso coffee, "I am only at home, if drink home made freshly grinded espresso coffee at my home."
Good food and drink, makes you definitly feel more home at your home.
Again, food and drink, seems to be a womans domain / world. But needless to say, that often the best cooks are men.
...Now I am just feeling the "espresso coffee effect" fade away, while writing these sentences / this comment. I must admit, that I had at least four espresso's, one after each other.
By losing this feeling / effect, I realize, that I am begining to feel less homely, and less at home. That fact, is quite stunning, if you think of it.
Love for your loved ones, for your partner or wife, for your family, might stand in direct relation with food and shelter, to express it simply.
And to go back to our coffee discussion: Coffee probably makes better lovers.
And chocolate, too, if it is the pure cacao sort of chocolate.
Well, I just had a "combo" of chocolate and coffee, and think that both match very well.
I do know, that a perfect cup of tea, is more difficult to achieve, than a perfect cup of espresso coffee, and that the perfect cup of tea can effectuate many things, that coffee is never able to effectuate. For example, if you drink a cup of perfect English breakfast tea, at five o clock in the afternoon. Anyway, I need a good tea in the morning, to save my morning, and make it a nice start of the day. Not coffee.
It would probably be like a slap in the face. Tea is much more gently. A cup of tea, or let's say, two or three cups of tea, which is already a pot of tea, invites you to the new day.
If I conclude properly, than it is coffee AND tea, that prepared in the right dosis, and steeped in the right time, makes you a better person, and adds to more quality of live.
Sometimes, I can't drink coffee, for a week or two, or even longer, meaning, that I don't feel like having coffee. But is great to know, to be able to have it any time, freshly grinded, and in the best qualiity, and that it will make me feel (very) good.
I believe, that science hasn't really any good answers about the benefits of coffee.
A lot of comments one can hear, are mostly negative, about health benefits.
But there seems to be a lot more behind it. Coffee and purest chocolate, is good for having better sex, and for making you a more loving person, at the first place. Am I talking nonsense?: Not at all.
Coffee and tea are the beverage of the cultivated people. And so is wine. But wine should always go together with some food that contains some fat.
Now we could go on and on, with this discussion, but the conclusion is also, that you can add a lot of culture to your live, by chosing and preparing carefully, what you eat and drink. Home made, or only "haute cuisine" on a pre warmed plate. Because cold plates absorb a lot of the warmth the food on the plate, which should stay as long as possible in the food.
However: Two hours before you start to work, in the morning, and two hours before you go to sleep at night, the recommended beverage is: Tea. Selct it carefully, for what time of the day you want to enjoy it.
Espresso Coffee, had always been a "troubleshooter", for when I felt cold or uncomfortable at home. It braught me rightaway back what I was missing, and added a lot more, as if "an Italian Mama embraced me, squezed me, and gave me a big hug and kiss, and didn't let me go..."
Of course, you can never compare the effect and feeling, if you drink and espresso coffee away from home, in coffee bar, made from coffee pads, without much love and attention, and which is of course not made from freshly grinded coffee. The culture, is a non-culture, based on the quickest possible prepartion with coffee pads. Same non-culture, as drinking tea, made from tea bags. It is never the same quality and experience.
Try experimenting with coffee and tea: It is a bit time consuming, but a lot of fun.
Especially some good quality green tea, may solve some of yoour health issues, and bring you back to a good shape.
If your tea tends to get too bitter, than get some Japanese "Bancha" tea, which has hardly any theine (coffein). And which might have an anti aging effect: Who knows?
One think is for sure, if don't take time, to prepare and enjoy a better made cup of coffee or tea, and go for a cup of coffee from the coffee machine at your office, which tastes like rinsing water, than you miss out some good moments in live.
The right drink, at the right time, or in the right situation, can make you feel your self and your environment more intensive.
It tranforms you from a cave man to a homlely and cultivated person, and lets you enjoy, what mother nature also provides: Coffee and tea. But not the cheap sort.
I guess, the next step would be, to chose a nice tea or coffe pot, to please the eye, as well. Again: A little bit more culture and celebration of an old tradition for drinking coffee and tea.
By the way: I would love to sell tea, which is why I set up a Dot Tel domain about tea:
Off topic: Found my real estate agency, at last!
(All pictures, from the "Foggy Day's serie". Click on them, to enlarge them.)

Good day. Good Sunday.
I just got out of bed, after six hours of sleep, which was good, because it was not too light inside, due to the gray sky, but mild weather outside. It is still cozy and pleasant, without the heating on.
I had been surfing the whole night through. Looking at real estate agency offers for Triest.After about four to five hours, it was like landing on treasure island, and digging out a treasure.
Nearly all appartments are furnished with ugly and untasteful furniture. After some time, I got „off the track“, of searching from real estate agency directories, and started searching after city urban areas / districts. And which was a great success. However, I didn't find any offers in the desired districts, but the word „district“ brought me to a real estate agency, that never seems to show up un the real estate directories. This agency stands out from the whole lot, showing way the best photographs, huge, and crisp clear. They have also unfurnished appartments for rent, and some of them are not renovated, rspectively, without newly painted walls, and without a stove / oven in the kitchen, and the house without a lift. But therefore, the renting price, is very low. And you can get a nice old appartment, with the classic ambiance and original features, such as the old big double doors, from one „salon“ to the other „salon“ / room.
So, one appartment has about 10 square meters less (80) than the one in the first floor of an other house (90 m²), but is very sunny, as it is in the fitfh (5.) floor (without a lift and stove in the kitchen). But I don't mind to walk the steps to the fifth floor, and don't mind not having a kitchen, for a while. But I want to have an old appartment with athmosphere, and a low monthly rent.
And, bingo, I found my real estate agency / partner!
A spacious three room appartment with a bath and kitchen, not repainted, and the stove missing, a lovely parquet floor, that need some attention and care, no lift, to get to the fifth floor, but therefor the monthly rent is affordable. The same type of flat in Geneva would cost at least four (4) times as much. The climat in Triest is much milder, and economy is the most promissing in whole Europe.
Hey, this is in Italy. And the appartments have been build in the good old days of Triest, when Triest was still under the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867 – 1918).
I feel happy, because I have come a big step towards my dream and project to have an appartment in Triest, as well. If things shouldn't work out for me in Geneva, in the mid term, I would still be able to build something up, in Triest.
For more info about Triest, visit my Dot Tel domain „Triest.Tel“ (I am showing you the history page):
And have a look at my Italy / Triest blog:
And of course, it is a "must" to look at this blog, with daily photos of Triest, from where I selected the photographs for this post: must have some food, thake a shower, and catch up with my work.
Have a great day.

On the pier at the harbour
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Dot Tel domains (.tel): The pros and cons, and the constructive criticism
I agree with many of his statements, especially, about the .tel domain registry Telnic. And I can hear a lot of disappointment within his comments.
How good is the communication between Telnic and the holders of .tel domains?: The call for a professional webdesigner for the Dot Tel interface and look, had never been realized.
Bill put the question, once again, if one should renew or drop the .tel domains, and he tends to not renew most of them, due to his „uncertain future for .tel“ vision. Bills comments are easy to follow and understand, according to common sense. However, investors should aim a long term strategy of about five years, and then make a decision to drop the .tel domains, or not. If you don't think in long terms, you are not investing. Neither are you investing, if you are not taking financial risks.
Besides all the improvements for the look and the promotion of .Tel that could have been done, but haven't been done, and after ca. two years, since online, .Tel is clearly underestimated, undervalued, and hardly, or not understood. The Dot Tel domain is a Internet landing page for contact and business information, and a lot more. The domain works partly „out of the box“, and can be, on the other part, configured, with a bit of nitty gritty work, to a efficient SEO booster, and a domain that gets found in Internet.
I doubt that any .tel domain with an good name is a waste of money, if used and kept up to date.
Dot Tel domains are here to stay. The key is public education, but which hasn't taken place on a grand scale.
The monitary system is not favorable for long term investments: It depends strongly on short term profits. Every one thinking, they could make short term profits with .tel domains, must give up those expectations. The value of a domain, is not the value in form of money, that you can cash in, at a given time. With time, certain domains get sought after, by a few people, who know what they could do with them. Offer them, where there is competition from other bidders: At an live auction.
If we drop a .tel domain, or sell it under value, we lose in the long term, but save expenses in the short term: So what do you prefer, and what can you afford?
Even Dot Biz and Dot Mobi will become established and accepted by a wider audience. The are late comers, same as Dot Tel.
Now, imagine, you could just buy a domain, without having to renenew it every year...: No droped domains, would be the result.
Now imagine, Dot Tel's would cost only $5 instead of $10 ( price): The result would be....: Less droped domains. Both szenarios sound like fair deals.
For a reseller, or for a domainer with a large portfolio, the domain prices are probably too high, for uncertain long term investments: Why don't the domain registries take such a fact into account, with non-established domain creations?
The decisions are always based on financial thoughts and related to current market prices.
Basically, a good domain name and ranking, has nothing to do with money. And money shouldn't spoil the success, potential and fun.
As I once pointet out: The domain extension ".tel", is probably the best of all existing domain extension, by just looking at the extension itself. And no other existing domain name extension suits better for mobile phone computing.
People have never asked, what sense the domain name extension ".com" makes: But ".com" just got accepted and established with time, by the masses. ".com" could either mean "communication", "commerce", "company", "computing", whatever.
With ".tel", I think, people can't easily make the bridge from Internet domain to telephone, respectively, why should a website URL have a extension, that reminds you of "tel-ephone"?
As soon as Internet and the smart phone become a natural related thing, there might be a run after anything, that eases mobile communication. Inclusive "Dot Tel" domains.
If the couple "Internet" and "smart phone" is no no-brainer yet to mainstream, why should the Dot Tel registry Telnic make much effort to educate mainstream about Dot Tel?
Looking at it that way, and in that aspect, you couldn't blame Telnic, for beeing as passive, as it has been, up and till now. Telnic is not bigh enough, to take such a finacial risk, as such promotion would not just cost one million Dollars, but at least five or ten million Dollars.
By just having a lot of "drops" (droped .tel domains), the financial losses, are still kept at the smallest possible. And financial recovery is possible, anytime, within reasonable time.
Therefore, Telnic is far, from "missing the boat". And all chances are fully intact.
Dot Tel, will pick up, with time. And it will be the overall development in the world of mobile communication, that will decide about the success of the Dot Tel domain.
Of course, and nevertheless, Telnic should change a few things now, at present, and not postpone those. You might be able to say, what that should be. But I am not quite sure.
I think the registry, as well as the domain holders, are a bit overextended. And decisions and actions taken, on both sides, are either taken too carefully, or too hastily, but neither appropriate.
So, who is to blame?: I think, the basic problem are high costs for calling and surfing on a smart mobile phone, which hinders mainstream owners of mobile phones, to access the Internet from their mobile phones, or access Internet, more often. Roaming costs, or still far too expensive.
And people don't know, that .Tel pages the sites that can be viewed at the lowest cost.
When mobile Internet gets generally more mainstream, then that is when Telnic should start making some serious efforts with promoting .Tel, and spending some important amount of money for promotion. I assume, that Telnic does have a successful strategy, even if it doesn't really look that way.
All in all, domaining with heavyweight in the mobile telecommunicaion field, and expecting to make some tidy earnings, and some serious money, is nothing more than a poker game.
Dot Tel domains, are usefull, now, but for for getting tidy earnings through advertising or selling, it is far too early. But you should nevertheless learn all about .Tel, and how to improve and populate a .Tel domain. Because when things take off, you should be ready, and even better: Already established with your .Tel's.
Think twice, befor your intend to drop your Dot Tel domain(s). Act fast, to get a Dot Tel name, as long as it is still available.
Don't forget, that the future of Internet, is in mobile computing, mobile Internet, mobile phones, and mobile websites. Desktop PC's are being replaced by mobile laptops with an aditional bigger external monitor, so that they can be used at home, as well as away from home. And soon, you will be able to interact (more) between your stored data on your smart phone, and your laptop. Let us say, you scan info on the go, with your smart phone, and download it to your laptop.
And so, why will you wan't to give up a good mobile Internet address, if things are developing so promissing?
Herer are some useful links:
Create, print or display a .TEL business card
Create, print or display a .TEL business card with QR Code.
Promote Your Dot Tel Domain: Generate A QR-Code, And Display It, Where It Can Be Scanned.
Advertise On Dot Tel Domains
Hide Your Dot Tel Email Address
Daily Growing Dot Tel Community / New Registrations
Select A Dropped Dot Tel Domain Name For Registering
Articles About Dot Tel Domains
Register A Dot Tel Domain Name
Share Your Dot Tel Domain
Sell Or Buy A Dot Tel Name
Dot Tel Monthly Meetup Group
Join us to learn the advantages for PR and marketing in the dotTel space: The Vancouver dotTel Meetup Group Monthly Meetup.
Dot Tel News
Dot Tel Forum For Naysayers and Supporters
Dot Tel And QR-Codes
Dot Tel Info Center
Dot Tel Self Learning Center And Tutorials
Dot Tel Design Support
Search Dot Tel Contact Info
Dot Tel Business Services
Email Addressbook (Hidden Email)
Dot Tel Support
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Thanks, for beeing faithful, and for your visit(s) on my blog
Thank you, for visiting my blog.
I had technical problems, and a new Internet fix connection will be running, in a few days. At the moment, I am using a mobile connection, writing away from home.
Stay tuned.